A few years ago, I promised my mom I would not become a teenager. Despite my best efforts, I think it's happening!
Top five ways
you know you're becoming a teenager
5. Your body automatically sulks whenever your mom asks you to do something. See picture
4. Cell phones look more appealing to you.
3. You constantly crave mexican and/or chinese food.
2. Despite speaking the same language, you and your mom have a failure to communicate. For example, you know how I typed about the 20Q toy on my previous post? Well, Atticus was trying to get the toy to guess itself. My mom was asking me "What is Atticus' question?" I said the "20 Questions machine". "No!" she said louder, " What is he trying to get it to guess?!" Raising my voice to her level, I said, "The 20 Questions machine!" Still raising her voice to the top of her lungs, she said, "No! What is he thinking about!" I said, "The 20 Questions machine!!!" That time, she finally got it.
1. Your mom starts asking you, "Did you take a shower?"
Did you take a shower? Better not leave that one up to question.