Search Ruminations

Friday, January 16, 2009

Once you think you've seen everything, think again!

I've seen many strange things, like on my vacation to Washington State, when, even though it was summer, it was cold enough to be hot cocoa season. But today, I have seen a debut in artficial intelligence! The 20 Questions game 2.0., the pocket game can guess just about anything but the number 2 and Barack Obama! It's so spooky that it even knows it.


  1. Rembo, we love the blog. Keep posting pictures for us!

  2. Hey Remington!
    Erin told me that you had a blog and I had to see for myself! Great job! Kali and I have a blog too. Our blog is private so if you email me I can send you an invite. See you later!
    Monica, Kali, Liahona, & Levu

  3. sorry, here's our email:
